carving itself again at 12:32 PM
carving itself again at 5:10 AM
carving itself again at 6:54 PM
carving itself again at 1:50 PM
carving itself again at 2:43 PM
carving itself again at 12:19 PM
carving itself again at 2:03 AM
carving itself again at 1:28 AM
carving itself again at 1:28 AM
carving itself again at 12:32 AM
carving itself again at 11:29 PM
carving itself again at 8:26 PM
carving itself again at 5:53 PM
carving itself again at 2:47 AM
Awesome !
had alot to drink alot to eat!
thats the way it should be !
shall go down again soon!
any takers?
this is the first time i worked so long.
started work at 12noon it ended at 6pm,
had two 15 min break in between,
then rested from 6.15 till 6.45
started work at 7 all the way till 3 !!!!!
i became so stoned at the end of work. crazy.
i even had abrasion at my inner thighs
but still.
i miss u ..faster come back leh..
they can carry on to Fantastic 4 part 2 !
The human torch is great. haha.
he's so cool
those who havent watch. i suggest watch it or download and watch it soon !
so what, its some sort of a government body, the ministry will select a new one. and that new guy would probably be almost the same as before.
what in the world was the government doing, they are trying to say after so many years. They do not know what the donations were being spent on? They did not know that it was spent on other materialistics things, rather than spending it on new dialysis machines?
It's all a sham, remember seeing videos during the shows, where they show the family had to scrimp and save just to be able to have enough money to spend on their 3 meals a day and enough money to pay for the dialysis? And that not everyone in the family can work, cos say, the breadwinner is paralysed. leaving the sub normal son to work a low paid job so as to survive.
All this video clips played during the nkf shows are so touching, it made me teared. But come to think of it, since they are so pitiful, why still ask them to pay when u guys have already so much money to even buy a new business building and build lavish furniture and fittings? Why not make their dialysis session free? if that was the case, i would be more willing to donate as it would make a better place to live in.
What Mrs Goh said was so funny, she just shot herself in the foot, 'the amount we pay Durai compared to the donations is peanuts.' alrite, well done..clap clap clap. you are trying to tell us that you MPs are being paid much more than that, that 600 000 is considered peanuts huh, so all our taxes that we have been paying for all goes into their pockets i guess. (i dunt know, just making a guess.) right?
i cant wait for that operator to call me again. the operator or rather, i should call that person, sales manager, to ask me to get a new donation card to help the poor and sick for their dialysis patients. try calling me. i would love to talk to you. sucks just to know things like this are happening in Singapore, who would still be proud to be a Singaporean? You tell me.
and i think that her lastest blog entry
made so much sense.
Channel 8 has totally ran outta ideas of what shows to do.
and just starts showing us, which dirty old foodstall has nice food to eat.
and using dimwits to gain sympathy from the viewers to
donate more during nkf and cancer shows?
com'on, how many shows do u wanna do in a year?
its fucking irrittating to see that taiwan host.
what ever his name is, trying to give a motivational speech to the crowd.
and it seems that Singapore Nkf is really so in need of financial aid.
com'on, we all know how much reserves NKF has.
the amount of dimwits appearing on Ch8 is really overwhelming.
almost every now and then when there's a new show,
u see a sub normal character who becomes a Hero in the show.
its an insult ; to the mentally unsound folks in Singapore.
i know what isit like for them. its not easy.
ive interacted with so many such people.
they have so much difficulites in life.
and there goes Channel 8 trying to show more of mentally unsound people in their shows.
whats up with that ? trying to pull more viewers by gaining their sympathy?
so that girls can just cry over the show, be so touched. com'on its fucking idiotic.
hais. so disappointing..
lol. its fucking funny !
i was walking outta my room
and i accidentaly kicked my door on the edge.
it hurt really fucking bad.
then i tot i hit the nail and its gonna be a bruise.
then i looked at this.
its just one big red patch covered with blood on my last toe.
i looked back and i saw a trail of blood.
it was fucking painful.
i kicked a big freaking hole in my last toe.
argh. its so painful.
and the skin is still dangling there.
should i leave it or tear it out ?
went to eat at indochine my workplace.
so stress. had all my managers walking past me.
its like so weird, them serving me
so i kinda like u noe, take the orders for them. set the settings for them
and only me and cuishan eat. duhh.
we got her the strawberry ice cream cake, its so nice.!!!!
i want to have one for my next bday too!
well, wanted to go cocolatte. then we thought drinks at O bar would be cheaper.
so off we went .
Me, Hz, Jay, Lionel, Bday girl, Xingling, Cuishan.
when we reached there, it was packed.
there wasnt supposed to be a q.
hz said this is the first time O bar had a Q.
i think we qeued for almost and hour half
before getting in.
haha, the crowd. no need to say anything.
hais. sad.
the drinks were alrite.
huijiuan got toast from us. lols.
the way she reject our drinks so funny
keep doing the crossing of fingers.
everyone was alright.
except cuishan who puked. haha.
after she puked, she was like. 'ok hz can go now?. with a thumbs up.'
im never going back to O bar again.
they have a weird crowd. its like very small. and very sucky music.
double O is much much much better.
oh well.
Happy Belated birthday Bouw Huijiuan!
also dunno will u see this or not.
Be a small girl if u want !
age is just a number. just be young at heart !!
went to eat at indochine my workplace.
so stress. had all my managers walking past me.
its like so weird, them serving me
so i kinda like u noe, take the orders for them. set the settings for them
and only me and cuishan eat. duhh.
we got her the strawberry ice cream cake, its so nice.!!!!
i want to have one for my next bday too!
well, wanted to go cocolatte. then we thought drinks at O bar would be cheaper.
so off we went .
Me, Hz, Jay, Lionel, Bday girl, Xingling, Cuishan.
when we reached there, it was packed.
there wasnt supposed to be a q.
hz said this is the first time O bar had a Q.
i think we qeued for almost and hour half
before getting in.
haha, the crowd. no need to say anything.
hais. sad.
the drinks were alrite.
huijiuan got toast from us. lols.
the way she reject our drinks so funny
keep doing the crossing of fingers.
everyone was alright.
except cuishan who puked. haha.
after she puked, she was like. 'ok hz can go now?. with a thumbs up.'
im never going back to O bar again.
they have a weird crowd. its like very small. and very sucky music.
double O is much much much better.
oh well.
Happy Belated birthday Bouw Huijiuan!
also dunno will u see this or not.
Be a small girl if u want !
age is just a number. just be young at heart !!
look at this sweet right ?
i guess it's a parting gift from hongwei to me?
two ppl that i've known 1 third of my life.LOL.
my dearest,
Li Zai Yong (Commando)
Tan ChunYe( Pilot)
Yourr Mother so fat.
thattt, when she jumpforjoy. stuck.
ok thankew.
hais? why..
cause of an email i read
sent to me months months ago
it's an email from Julie.
and if u all dunt know who she is.
she is my ex girlfriend.
was just reading through things she said, how did we actually get together, we were'nt suppose to be.. it's incredible how we got together
oh well..
it's over..thinking about what we have done together, nothing much but i know i enjoyed her company right to the day where it all ended.
it's not the right time to feel sad over a girl now, i have no one i can talk to..haha.
as what lionel said in his blog..they're bla bla bla.
or..not interested in what u have to say to them.
i cannnot remember what i actually wanted to say.
there's something i wanted to say here and i totally forgot about it.
but there's one thing. hongzhen if u see this, take care k. sorry about ur ah ma.
well. she's gone to a better place i believe.
see ya soon bro.
To hongwei,
we've gone through alot, haha.(so cliche)
i used to hate you, i despised you for all the wrong reasons.
we 'opened' up to each other that fateful day.
and we became pals.. i think.
yes u'r still as irritating at times, but it's okay. im immune to it.
but many ppl arent. heh
anyway.thanks for being a friend.
aww. so sad..u are leaving for army.
but we will see u after say..3 weeks? i dunno.ha
a sentence or two of compliment to you.
only you know how i really feel about people, and only you know what im thinking, and only you, i will talk to about my inner most feelings. LOL.
i cant find the pic we took together in Cambodia ! argh..
aww..this is what people called, Brotherhood. lol.
but anyhow, this is for you ! when u still had long hair..
hehe. take care bro.
Mind you, we were at a ambassador's home in Cambodia.
and he is doing a live performance of a song, i dunno what song, cant remember already.
just woke up not long ago. it was such a lazy day for me.
i woke up at 11. wanted to go school.
tot that argh. what the hell. so i just went back to sleep.
woke up at around mmm..3? had my lunch then fell aslp. haha.
woke up at 12 plus midnight !
ate again ! watched avp.
cant u see?
my life is so boring..
my friends..esp guy friends. most of them are in the army already
alot going in this thursday.
everyone's busy.there's alot of people i wish i can meet up with.
but it's not easy as they have their own plans or work.
ever got stuck in orchard road with no one to accompany, to shop around, hang out in orchard road?
calling many people and they all say they not free, or never pick up ur calls?
being stranded alone is not a happy feeling.
ah well..what to do.
come to realise. not everyone will be ur friend forever. esp when u have new friends
or cooler ppl to hang out with.. u just forget and move on.
since i have so much time now. must as well make full use of it.
i shall work, WOrk, WORK !!
goodnight !
got open wound now.
always have wounds here and there in my mouth.
urgh. is the first day i bought dinner for my family
without asking them back for money !
i wish they would give me back though !
its not cheap. haha
Siu Siu !!
Jay Wong.
Vinod Kumar
Leo ChengYu
Hui Juan
Yang Hui
Jian Ning
Sok Ling
Tay Toon
Ah Cai
e Quan and Xin Ling
Queen Gloryo
she did it.just leave it.
art by contempt-digital-ink